Google Shopping

Elevate Your Online Shopping

‘Shop until you drop’ is so much easier online. With our Google shopping services, you start capturing the online shopping market and reaping the rewards is what it’s all about.


Website Designed From Scratch Includes

This website can be customised with your customer in mind, with the right look and feel,

to make your customer feel at home.

Google Search


$499 set up fee Plus GST

  • Search Network Only

  • Setup by Google Professionals

  • Dedicated Campaign Manager

  • Up To

  • 10

  • Ad Groups

  • Multiple Keyword Themes

  • Sector Specific Negative Keyword List

  • Sales and Lead Tracking

  • Full Ad Copy Revision

  • Competitor Watch and Research

  • Personalised Web Marketing Advice

  • Emailed Monthly Reports

  • No Fixed Term Contracts

No contracts - cancel anytime

Google Shopping


$599 set up fee Plus GST

  • Shopping network only

  • Setup by Google Professionals

  • Dedicated Campaign Manager

  • Local and National Level Targeting

  • Ongoing Data Feed Optimisation

  • Season Strategy Consultation

  • Multiple Revenue Segmentation

  • Description Revision

  • Remarketing

  • Competitor Watch and Research

  • Emailed Monthly Reports

  • No Fixed Term Contracts

  • Mobile Shopping Strategy

  • Analytics setup

No contracts - cancel anytime

Google Search


$499 set up fee Plus GST

  • Search and Shopping Networks

  • Setup by Google Professionals

  • Dedicated Campaign Manager

  • Multiple Location Campaign Targeting

  • Ongoing Data Feed Optimisation

  • Season Strategy Consultation

  • Full Mobile Strategy

  • Description Writing & Revision

  • Remarketing List Development

  • Sector Specific Keyword List

  • Unlimited Ad Groups

  • Unlimited Keyword Variations

  • Sales and Leads Tracking

  • Competitor Watch and Research

  • Analytics and Goals Setup

  • Advanced optimisation

  • Personalised Web Marketing Advice

  • Emailed Monthly Reports

  • No Fixed Term Contracts

No contracts - cancel anytime

Why Google Shopping ?

TME can guide you with the best way to promote and sell online and, depending on your inventory, recommend either via product groups or product categories and all you need is an E-commerce Website

Google Shopping is an essential part of Google services. We help to tailor and write ads to drive people directly to your website. We also ensure that your ads are visible on the desktop and mobile.

An important ingredient to success is remarketing

, as not everyone buys the first time they come to your website. With remarketing ads, we can retarget potential customers with personalised ads reminding them of your products and services when they search the web.

Hence, as a Google shopping agency we have three options for you to choose from, based on wanting a search network only, shopping network only or multi-network (search & shopping).


What is google Shopping

Google Shopping is a shopping service that helps businesses grow by selling and delivering outstanding Google quality service levels.Google Shopping is a PPC advertising platform that enables retailers to display products available on their e-commerce websites, as well as in carousels at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). As such, it’s usually the first thing a buyer sees after doing a search.

How do google shopping ads help businesses?

TME is a google shopping agency ․With our Google Shopping ads campaigns, customers can view and interact with engaging ads that help them better understand products. So, their shopping experience will be thoroughly researched before opening the ad. Contact Our experts for consultancy.

What is the difference between google shopping ads and google remarketing ads?

Search engines use citations to assess a business’s online legitimacy and popularity.The more accurate your quality quotes for your business, the better your results.

How can Google shopping drive traffic and sales ?

Google Shopping helps your business drive more traffic and sales by putting your ads in front of interested shoppers. Google Shopping is the most used search engine in the world.When your ads appear in the shopping carousel, your products and brand names are more recognisable, especially to shoppers who are actively searching for similar products.